# Azure DP-100 Summary

# Major Components of AML Workspaces

Workspace -> Top Level Resource for AML

  • Compute Instances
  • User Roles
  • Compute Targets
  • Experiments
  • Pipelines
  • Datasets
  • Models (registered models)
  • Deployment Endpoints

# Creating an AML Workspace (opens new window)

Resources built as accompanying resource

  • Azure Storage Account
  • Azure Container Registry
  • Azure Application Insights
  • Azure Key Vault

Workspace Settings

  • Access Controls
  • Event Suscriptions (generate alerts or triggers based on events)
  • Alerts & Diagnostic Settings

AML Studio

  • Author
    • Notebooks
    • Automate ML
    • Designer
  • Assets
    • Datasets
    • Experiments
    • Models
    • Endpoints
  • Monitoring
    • Compute
    • Datastores
    • Data Labelling

# IAM/RBAC (opens new window)

Users in the Azure Active Directory are assigned specific roles which grants access to resources via multippe ways (CLI/Portal/etc).

# Experiments (opens new window)

A grouping of many runs

  • Run: Singe execution of a training script
  • Info Stored: Metadata about run, metrics, etc.

Run Configuration

  • Used when we want to run a training experiment on a different compute targets.

Estimator Class

  • Allows the creation of run configuration utilizing the AML Python SDK

Designer can only be run on Azure Machine Learning Compute Cluster

# Data Objects


Independently executable workflow of a ML task (orchestration).

  • Steps that don't need re-run are not run
  • Each step can run in a separate compute target
  • Dependencies are managed by the pipeline


An abstraction over Azure Storage services.


References to where the data lives (tabular, file)

Dataset Management

  • Version and tracking
  • Monitor (data drift)
  • Open datasets

Data Drift

  • Change in model input data that leads to the degradation of model performance
  • Possible causes:
    • Upstream process change
    • Quality issues
    • Natural Causes
    • Covariate shift

Other Notes CSV files can expand up to 10x in a dataframe, and you want double the RAM of that (20GB Ram for a 1GB dataset).

# Feature Selection (AML Exam Concepts)

  • Pearson's correlation
    • Dependent and Independent Variables don't make any diff.
    • Linear data
  • Mutual Info Score
    • Measure the reduction in uncertainty to predict parts of outcomes of a system
    • h(x) = -log(p(x))
  • Kendall's Correlation Coefficient
    • A nonparametric analysis of the strength of a relationship between 2 variables
    • Variables are measured on an ordinal scale and data needs to have a monotonic relationship
    • Usually preferred over Spearman
  • Chi-Squared Stat
    • Reveals how close expected values are to actual results
    • Used for categorical variables
  • Fisher Score
    • Measures the variance between expected value and observed value
    • Determines if a features are independent
  • Count-based Feature Selection

# Inferencing Notes

Main Docs (opens new window)

  • For inferencing in Prod you should use AKS (which supports GPU)
  • AML compute instances for deploying real-time services do not provide GPU and should be mainly used for Batch inferencing models.
  • Azure Container Instances are for testing/debugging and don't provide GPU (only low-scale CPU workloads).

# Authentication

Authentication Docs (opens new window)

Consuming a Web Service (opens new window)

Auth Method ACI AKS
Key Disabled by default Enabled by default
Token Not available Disabled by default

# List of Common Modules in AML

# List of Common/Functions Methods in the SDK

Package Class Example Description
azureml.core Workspace Workspace.from_config()
azureml.core Experiment Experiment(workspace=ws, name='name')
azureml.core Experiment experiment.start_logging()
azureml.core Datastore Datastore.register_azure_blob_container(...)
azureml.core Datastore Datastore.get(workspace,datastore_name)
azureml.core Dataset Dataset.Tabular.from_delimited(path=datastore_path)
azureml.core Dataset my_dataset.register(ws,name,description)
azureml.core Dataset Dataset.get_by_name(ws,name)
azureml.train.estimator Estimator Estimator(source_directory,script_params,...)
azureml.core Run Run.get_context()
azureml.core Run run.log(),run.log_list(),run.log_row(),etc..
azureml.core Run run.get_details(), run.get_metrics(),run.get_file_names
azureml.widgets RunDetails RunDetails(run).show()
azureml.core.webservice AciWebservice aci_service.get_logs()

# Other Commands