# Databricks Concepts

# Delta Table

Delta lakes are composed of three main things:

  1. Files written to object storage
  2. Transaction Log
  3. [Optional] Metastore reference

# Transaction Logs

Transaction logs are ordered records of transactions performed on a delta table, it is the single source of truth for the table. Each transaction is json file.

Operations are broken downt into one or more:

  • Add file
  • Remove file
  • Update metadata
  • and more...


  • describe returns the metadata of a table
  • describe history includes even more metadata - only available for delta tables queried using Databricks. History is kept for 30 days

# Time Travel

Query an older snapshot

SELECT * FROM events TIMESTAMP AS OF <timestamp_expression>

SELECT * FROM events version AS OF <version>

Using the Python API

df1 = spark.read.format("delta") \
           .option("versionAsOf",<version>) \